Sunday, December 11, 2005


And now it's time for another installment of...

Schmeez Droppings
Thoughts, Realizations, and Excremental Wisdom
  1. I cannot tell you how desperate I am to get out of this bloody Midwest freeze and into some West Coast warm lovin'. Forsake sinful slush and godawful grey! Come with me, the Pied Piper, to the land that knows little or no snow!
  2. Speaking of that, I slid into a ditch on the way to work. A nice blue-collar kid smokin' a clove pulled my little sedan out with his macho Ford. Such a nice guy- I got to work on time and offered up my interaction with crazy shopping moms for him.
  3. On the same day, Darin slid into a parked car. This sounds so cliche, but "go figure."
  4. Black pinstripe pants are a must for every modern girl's wardrobe. Dress 'em down by pairing them with Pumas and a graphic tee. Dress 'em up with a blazer and heels. Perfecto.
  5. This was a superb Sunday: Mass, a Coney Island breakfast, catching "Narnia" (which we loved - check back for a review), a Christmas tree/decor purchase, and topping the night off with decorating and eggnog. Oh, and "Desperate Housewives" of course.
  6. Husband #1 semi-updated his website. A super-cool advent montage awaits you.
  7. My friend Katherine emailed me! Her emails always warm and fuzz me. Definitely the coolest, yet wenchiest Canadian I've ever known.
  8. After checking out this website introduced to me by my dear Dr. Beiting, I almost sympathize with anti-Christians. Objective Ministries would turn anyone off to converting. By the by, have you accepted Jesus yet? This one's just for kids. (Make sure to check out that mean old atheist, Mr. Gruff.) For those who are struggling with purity, here's the answer!
That's all have to say in twenty minutos. Yes, I did mean to say "minutos." Spanish is fun!

I have a 5 a.m. wake-up call tomorrow morn. Working my way through marriage, that's right! And there I was, naked in ShopRite.


Anonymous said...

yessssss...number seven! typologically the best number.

hi ho ho and another Lou entry! Yay!

But you still haven't written to us yet, so wench #1 would like me to enclose a death threat with this comment.

So there you have it, naked in ShopRite, Advent Greetings, Best Wishes from your Forlorn Final-Crazed Ex-homies, and one threat of certain death if you don't contact us. SOON.

~the Wench of I. P. and Wench #1

Meghan said...

Hmmm, naked in ShopRite. There's a thought.

It was so great chatting with you tonight! I MISS YOU!!!

Meghan said...

Wow, I just took a look at the link for purity...thank goodness they thought of something like that! Where would we be without it?!

Angelie said...

Louise, I am not up there or I would surely help. We obviously need to stage an intervention for Thomas- get him worked down to checking his blog only 2x a day.

Fightgar said...

cool websit Darin's got there. Narina was awesome.

J said...

I can't believe you just got me to read the word "Pooplets." I really....really. . . .really didn't want to ever think about .. . . .. oh gosh....

Louise said...

Thomas, you're crazy. You poor little pooplet, with syphilis and all.

Wench #2, I love u. Your death threat has been noted.

Angelie said...

argh...flashing back to Louise attempting to freak me out last year by offering to show her drama queen undies off to the campus from our window.
That website's a joke, right? The jesus thong? Damn my poor profaned eyes!!!!

Louise said...

The website is not a joke. I repeat- the website is not a joke.

Oh, and I'm buying you the thong for Christmas. Peters keeps bugging me to buy him one, too.

Louise said...


Angelie said...