Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Learn the Hard Way

The last day of Christmas came and went, and our dead Christmas tree needed to be disposed of.

"I'm going to burn it!" I said. Darin mildly protested, and I got my way. I put it on the patio and tentatively put a match to a middle branch. "I really shouldn't do this," I thought, but my hand didn't obey. As a result, the tree burst into flames. I panic.

In true Louise-luck-fashion, the doorbell rang when the fire reached its peak. Why, hello! Enter Karen and her husband, two clients of Darin's here to drop off their virus-ridden computer. So utterly embarrassing.

Fifteen minutes later, a fireman knocked at our back door. I ran past Darin so I could take the blame for the fire. After apologizing profusely, "Mr. Fireman" (which I so stupidly called him) kindly told me that backyard fires are illegal but he would not fine me. He even waved goodbye enthusiastically to the very interested Rowena before he and his two friends took their leave.

The best part? For your viewing pleasure, we got the burning on tape. You can hear poor Rowena's protests, my panicky I-shouldn't-have-done-thats, Darin's stern you-shouldn't-have-done-thats, Karen's hilarious reaction, and there's even a ball of fire headed towards the house combined with a bleeped-out curse word from Darin! Enjoy.

Disclaimer form Darin: He wanted to delete the sound from the video because of his harsh demeanor, but rest-assured that he was very supportive after the firemen left, comforting me each time I frantically ran to the window in fear of more authorities (which was every ten minutes or so).


Penny said...

Oh my goodness! That's an impressive fire (and a funny video!)

Red said...

Weez! What mayhem! LOL! This is hilarious and makes me miss you guys!! Thanks for the post, my day is now off to a great start! xo
ps...where are the marshmallows?!

Amanda said...

hahahaha!!! sooo funny! Oh weezy, thanks for the great laugh :)

Dear Sweet Mother said...

Egads!!! It runs in the family.

Avid said...

That is HUGE!!!! I didn't know it would be like that. HILARIOUS!!!

I don't even have sound, though. I'll watch again later for even more laughs. I'm glad you blogged this. Just to warn us. Thanks. (Now I want to do this! I can't believe how huge this fire is!)

mkoleary said...

i'm glad you kept the sound!! it's fantastic to watch. i'm also glad you didn't get fined! Mark and I watched it a couple of times. its great

Kari Hutchins said...

That's so funny! We did that last year, but it was out in the country and legal. I'm so glad you got that on video!

Unknown said...

That's my girl !!! And that's why your "My Fav".

I did that once by just pretending to put a tree in the fireplace at friend's home and it caght on fire so I had to shove it up the chimney - the whole house shook as it burned - Flames were shooting up 5 feet higher than the chimney outside - Hey No Problem !!!

Black Mona said...

oh my word....Wheezy, that is HILARIOUS!!!! i wish i could've been there! miss you....

Katja said...

awesome. Nothing like the newest Lou-venture to brighten one's day.

Also, that thing burned FAST.