Sunday, January 03, 2010

Brownie Sunday

I had all these nuts and cocoa powder in the pantry that I had to use up, so I whipped up a batch of my favorite brownies. This recipe is so easy and non-chaotic that you'll never resort to boxed brownies again.*

I actually ground up the hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, and cashews in my not-so-Magic Bullet and it made this crumbly sort of butter. I simply sprinkled the concoction on top of the batter after I pried it from Darin's grasp. The brownies aren't done yet, but the house smells so good right now-- chocolate and nuts swirled with the omnipresent spice candle.

* Disclaimer-- My sisters Lili and Faith do not like this recipe. For unknown reasons, it did not turn out well for them. I think that they must have been distracted when baking, because I am a lesser cook and have made these brownies successfully several times.


Darin said...

Pretty please save some for me dear wife of mine...I'm sure they're marvelous!!

Avid said...

You are simply the best brownie maker- and don't take that the wrong way! ;/

Seriously they are the best but only when you make them!!!

Megen Z. said...

Ahhhh, the omnipresent spice candle! LOL, I am always finding quirky little similarities between your life and mine, O Excellent Weez. I just used up a huge Yankee cinnamon candle in TWO WEEKS. Might have something to do with the double diaper duty our garbage can does ...

Evie & Davy said...

What? First time I get a chance to catch up on your blog and I find myself defamed! I LOVe this recepie, rave about it! I just did a little tweaking becasue I don't think I could follow a receipe if I had a gun to my head (rebellion in my own small way, I guess), so I just make Blackies instead with dark cocoa (and I use Agave instead of sugar), or I have made them with dried cherries and coconut, and I have made Mint Muddies with dark cocoa and chips and mint chips... and a few more variations- I LOVE this recepie- so easy, so versatile, and always yum-city!