Friday, January 15, 2010

Let It Snow, Baby

Portland hasn't gotten any good, sticky, staying snow yet this year. Boo! Last year in early December, we had the most splendid snowstorm that the news referred to as "The Arctic Blast". Portland has no way of dealing with snow--- no salt, gravel, sand, or effective snowplows-- so the entire city completely shuts down. Darin, Rowena, and I had a wonderful week of baking, starlit walks in the empty roads, no work obligations, hot chocolate and cider, and togetherness. Oh, how I wish the snow-angels would pay us a visit this year!

To tide me over, I browsed through some of last year's snowy photos:

Our beautiful 1978 Civic, Doris:

Rowena in awe of the patio

I love my long puffy coat- it's like wearing a cute sleeping bag.

I have some jalapeƱo chicken sausages
and hot cider waiting to be devoured.
Cold-weather delicious food is always on the menu for me,
no matter what the temperature.


Anna said...

Ah, snow pictures. :)
Mine are here and here.

I was just remembering that snow drift out our back door, the other day. It was so crazy.

Avid said...

Louise! Jalapeno chicken sausages? Yum! According to the weather today- Candlemas Day- (Groundhog day my bottom) we are having an early spring. No chance of snow. So-- we are heading to the hills soon. (as in Mt. Hood)
Could I get more scattered?