Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Wisdom of John Mayer (Ironic, huh?)

I wonder sometimes about the outcome of a still verdictless life
Am I living it right?
Note to self: Slow down. Slow down, I tell you! This week has been nothing but work and virtually no play. Up at 5 am on Sunday for a nine-hour work day, Husband #1 working nights all week, sleeping alone (and restlessly), long work days, no cash in pocket, still haven't cleaned up from Sunday's dinner party, living on potato chips and bad coffee... Good times.

Last night I stayed with some girlfriends at my alma mater. We spent a couple hours eating veggies and dip (not to mention Panera bread and chips), just talking and collectively coping with burnout. Meghan stayed up all night starting/finishing a Dante paper; as a result of her fatigue, she went to bed with her brown slacks and belt on. That horrified me and I demanded she put on pajamas. She complied amicably enough, proceeding to make unnecessarily long statements. That was pretty funny.

This morning I drove to work, realizing I didn't have any money or food. No food? I almost perished at the thought. Darin saved the day and visited me on my lunch hour, feeding me the choicest Koney Island food and Starbucks Christmas blend. Husband #1 also bestowed a little note on my car for when I finished work.

Well, I have a lot to look forward to this week: Darin's taking me to a dance, I have Friday and Saturday free, markdowns are tomorrow, and I'll have some girl time opportunities.

Weird moment of the day: Before work, I visited the Student Life office. I unabashedly asked where our "sexy Dean of Students" was. Dr. B was certainly there, good-humored and frizzy-haired as always.

And now it's time for...
Insight: Courtesy of Mel Brooks

"Humor is just another defense against the universe."
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."


Princess Torie said...

Weezy -

It was great seeing you the other morning... thanks for stopping by! :o)
Cant wait to see you at the dance.

J said...

Dangit! still just a mud pusher. grumble grumble. No good affection sign tester thingy. (insert loud Louise like sound here)

Louise said...


Meghan said...

It was great having you over! Still coming tonight? If you are and I'm asleep, just make yourself at home.

Angelie said...

I feel jealous. Bleah!! But there is a Ray of Hope: I am getting a ticket today for going to MI for a week in January. I miss you Louise!!